Closed calls

Call objective is better understanding of biology and pathogenesis of the coronaviruses, more specifically the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 infectious disease, crisis management during and after the pandemics as well as the organization and implementation of distance learning.
Research Topics:
  1. Immune response and development of novel diagnostic approaches to COVID-19
  2. Development of new vaccines, treatments as well as drugs and agents for the COVID-19 inhibition
  3. Social aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic
  4. Educational aspects of the pandemic
Call publication date: 30 March 2020
Submission deadline: 20 April 2020 until 13.00 (CET)
Budget: around HRK 14,000,000.00, funding per project from HRK 600,000.00 to HRK 1,500,000.00 for research topics 1 and 2, and from HRK 400,000.00 to HRK 750,000.00 for research topics 3 and 4
Project funding duration: 18 months
Approximate project start date: June 2020
PI should submit the project proposal on the attached application forms in electronic format only by sending them to the following e-mail address
All questions related to the Call should be addressed to the email address or phone +385 51 228 690.
Answers to the submitted questions will be published on the HRZZ's web site twice a week under FAQ.
Evaluation Criteria Peer Review

Call for Proposals
Research Projects - Slovenian-Croatian bilateral projects

As per the bilateral cooperation agreement signed between The Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) on 18 March 2019, Croatian Science Foundation is launching a Call for co-funding of the Croatian part of the Slovenian-Croatian research projects.

The general aim of research projects is creating new and enhancing existing knowledge. They are the principal support instrument to international cooperation. The ultimate aim is creating a critical mass of research groups who will be competitive at international level. Research projects – Slovenian-Croatian bilateral projects (IPS-2020-01) finance fundamental research which creates new and enhances existing knowledge about a particular area and is aimed at better understanding of the research subject.
The proposed topic must be internationally recognisable and/or nationally relevant, and the Applicant must have an excellent track record.
The Call funds the Croatian part of the Slovenian- Croatian research projects which have received positive evaluation marks in the international peer review process conducted by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) as the Lead agency and which have been accepted for funding under the condition that formal criteria from both partner organisations have been met.
Slovenian Principal Investigator, together with the Croatian partner, prepares a joint project proposal in line with the ARRS Call and submits it to the ARRS Call. Project proposals contain a joint scientific description of the project and indicate the scientific contribution of Slovenian and Croatian researchers. Slovenian and Croatian parts of the research project need to be closely connected and complementary and the scientific contribution from both sides needs to be clearly defined, visible and transparent.

The application procedure:

  1. A joint project proposal by the Slovenian- Croatian research group is submitted by the Slovenian  principal investigator to the relevant agency, i.e. to the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) with complete documentation as requested in the ARRS Call.

  2. At the same time, the Croatian principal investigator submits an application to the Croatian Science Foundation.

  3. Application to HRZZ consists of Administrative Form, Work Plan, Financial Plan, Institutional Support Letter and additional documents. Work Plan contains activities of the joint project which are conducted by the Croatian research group while the Financial Plan contains only the costs to be funded by HRZZ.

  4. The evaluation process for this Call will be conducted by ARRS while HRZZ will take part in the evaluation of the eligibility of the applicants

For any questions regarding this Call for proposals, pleas e-mail us via 
All applications must be submitted via the EPP system.

About the Call:

Call opening date: 13 December 2019 
Call closing date: 29 January 2020 until 13:00 (CET) 
The Call is open to all scientific fields
Principal Investigator: distinguished scientist with internationally recognised achievements in science and/ or technology within the research field of the proposed project with the Slovenian partner 
Project: fundamental research conducted by a distinguished research group 
Budget for 2020 (for the first year of project implementation): HRK 10.000.000,00 
Project funding duration: 3 years
Estimated beginning of the project: July 2020

Research Projects

The “Research Projects” programme finances basic research that creates new, improves existing knowledge about particular area, and aims at a better understanding of research subjects as well as applied research conducted with clear technological, economic or social goals.
The proposed subject must be internationally recognizable and/or nationally relevant, and the applicant of the project must have excellent achievements. The projects that will be supported by this call should be based on strong research teams, whose principal investigators are internationally and nationally recognized scientists, and includes connecting of scientific organizations, researchers and equipment, the development of scientific capacities and planning the development of young researchers. Consolidation of research is encouraged to raise the quality of research and the creation of internationally competitive and recognizable research groups.
About the Call:
Opening of call: 28th February 2019
Closing date: 24th May 2019 until 13:00 (CET) 
Call is open to all scientific fields.
Applicant: a prominent scientist with internationally recognized achievements in science and/or technology in the area in which the project is submitted
Project: fundamental or applied research conducted by a recognizable research group
Budget for 2019: about 40.000,000,00 HRK
Project funding duration: 4 years
Estimated beginning of the project: January 2020. Projects shall start no later than 3 months after receiving notice about opening negotiations on the Work plan and Financial plan.
All application documentation shall be submitted only in electronic version through electronic application system (EPP system) which can be accessed via HRZZ web pages or via the following link:



Installation Research Projects

The goal of the Installation research project programme is to establish independent research careers of young scientists. The programme ensures the scientists to establish their own laboratory and/or a research group. At the same time, the institution must support the work of the emerging research group, and demonstrate its support to the young researcher's group even after the completion of the project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation ensuring the transfer of specialized knowledge and the successful development of professionals in the internationally competitive issues.
Opening of call: 28th February 2019
Closing date: 24th May until 13:00 (CET)
Call is open to all scientific fields.
Principal Investigator: a scientist who obtained his doctorate degree at least 2 and no more than 7 years prior to the deadline of the Installation Research Projects Call
Budget for 2019: about 20.000.000,00 HRK
Maximum funding amount per project: up to 2.000.000,00 HRK for projects from all scientific areas, except for social sciences and humanities for which the maximum amount of funding is 1.500.000,00 HRK
Project funding duration: 5 years
Estimated beginning of the project: January 2020. Projects shall start no later than 3 months after receiving notice about opening negotiations on the Work plan and Financial plan.

All application documentation shall be submitted only in electronic version through electronic application system (EPP system) which can be accessed via HRZZ web pages or via the following link:

Call for Proposals UIP-2019-04
Application Form

Cooperation Programme with Croatian Scientists in Diaspora 'RESEARCH COOPEABILITY'

The Croatian Science Foundation (hereinafter: CSF) is publishing the Call for Proposals for the “Research Cooperability Programme“, Programme for Cooperation with Croatian Scientists in Diaspora (futher below: Research Cooperability Programme), whereby the cooperation between scientists from Croatia and scientists of Croatian origin (Croatian citizenship or nationality) living and working abroad will enable the transfer of knowledge, attract investments primarily to the science and technology system of the Republic of Croatia and indirectly to the business sector. The cooperation between scientists from Croatia and scientists from diaspora (with Croatian citizenship or nationality) enhances their networking, while putting a special focus on the development of young scientists´ careers as well as of their competences for participating in calls for applications to European and international organizations.

The Research Cooperability Programme will support research projects which should be implemented by 31 May 2023 at the latest, as well as the employment of at least two young researchers per project, of which at least one is a PhD student, while others can be PhD or postdoctoral students in the early stages of their career development. A PhD student should be employed no later than 9 months after the start of the project. At least 38 researchers in early stage of career development will be employed through the Research Cooperability Programme.
Applications are submitted through the EPP system only, available on the CSF’s website. All documentation related to the application has to be uploaded to the EPP system in English and Croatian language on forms provided by the CSF.


PZS-2019_Natječaj za prijavu projektnih prijedloga
PZS-2019_Call for Proposals

PZS-2019_Upute za podnositelje projektnih prijedloga
PZS-2019_Guide for Applicants
PZS-2019_Administrativni obrazac 
PZS-2019_Administrative form

PZS-2019_Obrazac za prijavu
PZS-2019_Application Form

PZS-2019_Obrazac za životopis_Voditelj projekta
PZS-2019_CV Form_Applicant

PZS-2019_CV Form_Co-leader

PZS-2019_Financijski plan
PZS-2019_Financial plan

PZS-2019_Radni plan
PZS-2019_Work plan

PZS-2019_Pismo obveze organizacije podnositelja
PZS-2019_Letter of commitment_Applicant organization

PZS-2019_Letter of commitment_Co-leader organization

PZS-2019_Pismo obveze_Partner
PZS-2019_Letter of commitment_Partner

PZS-2019_Izjava Organizacije_podnositelj

PZS-2019_Izjava Organizacije_partner


Evaluation Criteria 
PZS-2019_Protokol za Administrativni pregled prijava
PZS-2019_Individual Evaluation Form (Peer Review)
PZS-2019_Obrazac-Panel_završno vrednovanje


Research Projects

The “Research Projects” programme finances basic research that creates new, improves existing knowledge about particular area, and aims at a better understanding of research subjects as well as applied research conducted with clear technological, economic or social goals.
The proposed subject must be internationally recognizable and/or nationally relevant, and the applicant of the project must have excellent achievements. The projects that will be supported by this call should be based on strong research teams, whose principal investigators are internationally and nationally recognized scientists, and includes connecting of scientific organizations, researchers and equipment, the development of scientific capacities and planning the development of young researchers. Consolidation of research is encouraged to raise the quality of research and the creation of internationally competitive and recognizable research groups.
About the Call:
Opening of call: 2 November 2017
Closing date: 10 January 2018 until13:00 (CET)
Call is open to all scientific fields.
Applicant: a prominent scientist with internationally recognized achievements in science and/or technology in the area in which the project is submitted
Project: fundamental or applied research conducted by a recognizable research group
Budget for 2018: 60,000,000 HRK
Project funding duration: 4 years
Estimated beginning of the project: September 2018. Projects shall start no later than 3 months after receiving notice about opening negotiations on the Work plan and Financial plan.
All application documentation shall be submitted only in electronic version through electronic application system (EPP system) which can be accessed via HRZZ web pages or via the following link:

CALL FOR PROPOSALS "Research projects" IP-01-2018 (.pdf)

Evaluation forms:


Tenure Track Pilot Programme

The Tenure Track Pilot Programme (programme) is financed within the Framework Agreement between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of the Republic of Croatia concerning the implementation of the Swiss-Croatian cooperation programme to reduce economic and social disparities within the enlarged European Union, signed 30 June 2015, defining the overall objectives of the Swiss-Croatian cooperation.
The aim of the programme is to support young researchers in forming independent research groups and acquiring prerequisites and skills for future employment. This programme for outstanding young researchers represents a new model of career development based on clear and internationally competitive and, more importantly, internationally comparable and merit-based criteria. The Programme will be implemented in co-operation with the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
The programme will support the development of 4-5 independent research groups.

Call opening: 3 April 2018
Deadline for submission of applications:   3 July 2018 (13 pm, Croatian Local Time).

Pre-registration: Before applying to the call for proposals it is obligatory to pre-register. Deadline for pre-registration is 20 May 2018, 13:00 (CET). Pre-registration will be submitted into the EPP system on the official form.

Starting date for the JRPs: 1 January 2019
Research fields: Engineering (e.g. electrical & mechanical engineering, microelectronics, advanced manufacturing, materials, nanotechnology, robotics, biomedical engineering, environmental and ecological engineering), Computer Sciences (e.g. data sciences, communication systems), Basic Sciences (e.g. physics, neurosciences, life sciences, chemistry). Interdisciplinary proposals are highly welcomed.
Principal Investigator (PI): researcher of any nationality in the early stage of their career
Maximum grant: 900.000 CHF to 1.100.000 CHF or from 6.194.117 HRK to 7.570.587 HRK
Project duration: 5 years
Language: All documents are to be submitted in English
All enquiries related to the Call will be accepted only in English via the following e-mail address:

Received enquiries and answers will be posted on the HRZZ's web site.

EPP system now available for Pre-registration for TTP project proposals.

Call for proposals TTP 2018 

Guidelines for Applicants

Pre-registration form
Host Institution Support Letter

Administrative Form
Application Form
Financial Plan
Work Plan

Evaluation criteria
Final criteria for evaluation

DISCLAIMER: An updated version of the Financial Plan Form has been released. Please use the updated form.

Programme  “Support to researchers for the application to the ERC programmes“.

The objective of the call is to develop cooperation between Croatian researchers (Visiting researcher) and one of the current ERC projects Principal Investigator, with the aim to gain experience and to develop and prepare their own project proposal for the ERC programmes. This programme finances visits to the ERC-funded projects that are implemented at the time of the call and visit, in the duration of 3 to 4 months

Short information about the call:
- Project applicants are public universities, public scientific institutes in the Republic of Croatia, or other legal persons performing scientific activities that are registered at the Register of the Scientific organisations of the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education.
The Visiting Researcher has to fulfil the following criteria:
- Active research profile with results recognised internationally; the Visiting researcher has to meet the profile for the ERC Principal Investigator as set out in the annual ERC Work Programme, and has to be employed at the applicant institution.

Release date: 29 March 2018
Closing date: 2 May 2018

The call is open to all scientific fields.
Applicant: a researcher with internationally recognised achievements in science and/or technology
Maximum monthly expenses per researcher: financing by HRZZ is 2.000,00 EUR net (in HRK per month for accommodation and food. Cost of travel to the Host institution shall also be covered. 
Duration of the visit: 3 to 4 months.
Estimated end of evaluation: July 2017
Note: all candidates for the visiting fellowship should be informed that their participation in the proposed scheme does not confer any special treatment in order to obtain a grant from the ERC at a later stage.

Applications for the call are submitted via e-mail address Forms and additional documentation has to be filled in according to the instructions in the text of the call in English and Croatian language. The statement of the applicant will be in Croatian only and support letter from the ERC Principal Investigator in English.

All enquiries related to the Call can be sent to

Call for proposals -  support to researchers for the application to the ERC programmes

Application form

Evaluation form

Izjava prijavitelja da će se javiti na natječaj (institucija i istraživač)

Letter of support of the ERC Principal Investigator

The list of ERC PI who expressed interest in hosting guest researchers
Contacts of ERC PI who expressed interest in hosting guest researchers


Croatian-Swiss Research Programme 2017 – 2023 (CSRP)
Switzerland is participating in the EU enlargement by supporting the efforts to reduce economic and social disparities. The supported countries include Croatia, one of the most recent EU members. One of the selected fields of cooperation with Croatia is scientific research and a specific Programme, the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme 2017 – 2023 (CSRP), has therefore been set up.
The CSRP responds to the Croatian scientific community’s demand for more international integration and cooperation with colleagues from Western Europe in particular. It does so by mobilising research capacities in Switzerland and Croatia, and by supporting scientific cooperation in the form of Joint Research Projects (JRPs) between Switzerland and Croatia through the provision of research grants.  
Joint Research Projects (JRPs) between Switzerland and Croatia shall enable scientists from Croatia, jointly with scientists from Switzerland, to undertake, in the form of consortia, to implement research activities. Research is to be carried out at the Croatian and Swiss research institutions.
Call opening: 9 October 2017
Call closure: 19 January 2018 (17:00 CET)
Research areas: all
Applicants: Swiss and Croatian researchers jointly prepare project proposals. Swiss PI is responsible for the submission of the application. For the Swiss PI, the general SNSF eligibility criteria apply and for the Croatian PI, the CSF eligibility criteria apply.
Budget of the JRPs: 4.203.000 CHF
Maximum amount of financing per project: 400.000 CHF (For each project, a maximum of 50% of the grant may go to the Swiss partner).
Project duration: up to 3 years.
Possible starting date for the projects: October 2018
Language: All documents are to be submitted in English.
Call for Croatian-Swiss Research Programme 

Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Programme


Objective of the call is to develop cooperation between Croatian researchers (Visiting researcher) and one of the current ERC projects Principal Investigator, with the aim to gain experience and to develop and prepare their own project proposal for the ERC programmes. This programme finances visits to the ERC-funded projects that are implemented at the time of the call and visit, in the duration of 3 to 4 months.

Short information about the call:
Project applicants are public universities, public scientific institutes in the Republic of Croatia, or other legal persons performing scientific activities that are registered at the Register of the Scientific organisations of the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education.

The Visiting Researcher has to fulfil the following criteria:
- Active research profile with results recognised internationally; the Visiting researcher has to meet the profile for the ERC Principal Investigator as set out in the annual ERC Work Programme; and has to be employed at the applicant institution.

Release date: 29 March 2017
Closing date: 02 May 2017
The call is open to all scientific fields.
Applicant: researcher with internationally recognised achievements in science and/or technology
Maximum monthly expenses per researcher: financing by HRZZ is 2.000,00 EUR net (in HRK per month for accommodation and food. Cost of travel to the Host institution shall also be covered. 
Duration of the visit: 3 to 4 months.
Estimated end of evaluation: June 2017
Total budget of the programme: 1.000.000 HRK.



Prijavni obrazac
Application form

Izjava prijavitelja i gostujućeg istraživača 

Letter of support of the ERC Principal Investigator (PI) 


Kriteriji za vrednovanje projektnog prijedloga 
Evaluation form 

Note: all candidates for the visiting fellowship should be informed that their participation in the proposed scheme does not confer any special treatment in order to obtain a grant from the ERC at a later stage.
Applications for the call are submitted via e-mail address
Forms and additional documentation has to be filled in according to the instructions in the text of the call in English and Croatian language. The statement of the  applicant will be in Croatian only and support letter from the ERC Principal Investigator in English.  
All additional information related to the Call can be sent to


Funds for this programme have been secured by the Programme for allocation of funds secured by trading emission units through auctions in the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2014 to 2016 by the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. The programme will be implemented by the Croatian Science Foundation.
The goal of the programme is to support research and development activities in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation. By attracting Croatian research community to participate actively in resolving national problems connected with climate change, special emphasis is placed on sustainable energy and cooperation betweeen different sectors.   

About the call
Publication date: 1 April 2016
Deadline: 30 June 2016 by 13:00

Principal Investigator:
• Active researcher with PhD  and experience in leading research teams and projects.
• Researcher with significant contribution to the development of science and research.
• Principal Investigator must be permanently employed at a public university, public research institute in the Republic of Croatia or other legal persons performing scientific activity and registered in the Register of scientific organizations of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports or regular member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts . Regular members of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts can be principal investigators even if they are not permanently employed.
• Registered in the Register of researchers of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Total programme budget : 17.000.000,00 HRK
Maximum funding amount per project: from 500.000,00 HRK to 2.000.000,00 HRK.
Project duration:  1 to 2 years.
Estimated beginning of the project: November -December 2016  

Programme supports partnership in research between public universities or public research institutes in the Republic of Croatia and other non-governmental (not funded from the state budget) sources of funding from Croatia and abroad (private companies, local authorities and self-government, foreign foundations and agencies
that fund research, foreign scientific organizations etc.), hereinafter: the Partner Institution.
The programme supports relevant scientific research that can accelerate the development of new and existing companies and attract those representatives of industry and entrepreneurship which will significantly contribute to the economic and technological development of the Republic of Croatia.
Researchers choose their research theme independently. The evaluation considers scientific value, originality and innovativeness of the project, proposed research methodology, economic growth potential as well as the achievements of researchers – Principal Investigator and team members.

About the call:
Call release date: 1 December 2015
Deadline: 29 February 2016 until 13:00 (CET)

Research area: all areas of natural sciences, biomedicine and health, technical
sciences, biotechnical sciences, social sciences, humanities and interdisciplinary
Principal Investigator: a distinguished researcher with internationally recognized
achievements in science and/or technology within the field of the proposed project.
Total programme budget: 15.000.000 HRK.
Maximum funding amount per project: HRZZ funds the project with 300.000,00 to
500.000,00 HRK per year, and the maximum funding amount is 1.500.000,00 HRK.
Project duration: from 2 to 3 years.
Estimated beginning of the project: June – July 2016
Applications can be submitted by public universities and public research institutes registered in the Republic of Croatia.
Principal Investigator:
Principal investigator should be an outstanding researcher with internationally acknowledged achievements in science and/or technology in the field of the project proposal.
Principal Investigator must be permanently employed at Home Institution or should be employed at the Home Institution for the duration of the project.
(Regular members of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts can be Principal Investigators even if they are not permanently employed at a scientific institution that is also the host institution.)
Partner Institution:
Partner Institution that can provide technical and financial conditions for the project implementation.

All enquiries related to the Call will be accepted only via the following e-mail

Croatian Science Foundation releases this Call in order to enable scientifically active mentors who are engaged in internationally and/or nationally significant issues to involve in their research projects young researchers who wish to participate in scientific research and focus their career towards cutting-edge science. The ultimate goal is the training of new doctoral students who will continue their career in competitive research and/or development of new technologies in the economy. The call has provided funding of annual gross II salary, in the form of grants that will cover two periods, each lasting two years. The first part includes doctoral study and submission of the doctoral thesis topic. Positive evaluation of the achieved results will be a requirement for continuation of funding for the next two years, during which the young scientist is completing his doctoral thesis.
Call release date: 15 May 2014
Mentors' application deadline: 13 June until 13:00 CET
Scientists from all scientific fields can apply.
Mentor: scientist with internationally recognized achievements in science and/or technology.
Total programme budget: 30.000.000,00 HRK
Single amount of funding: doctoral student's annual gross II salary
Funding duration: 2 + 2 years
Estimated starting date: fall 2014

DR-6-2014 – Call for proposal
Note: Forms provided on the website are examples of forms you will need to fill in directly in the EPP system (in web form).
The registration to the EPP system is possible at all times, while the application to the Call for proposals by filling out online forms will be possible in early June.
If you have already registered in the EPP system (during 2013/2014) the registration for applying to this Call for proposals is not required, so please use the previously obtained identification number.

All enquiries related to the Call will be accepted only via the following e-mail

The goal of the Installation research project programme is to establish independent research careers of young scientists. The programme ensures the scientists to establish their own laboratory and/or a research group. At the same time, the institution must support the work of the emerging research group, and demonstrate its support to the young researcher's group even after the completion of the project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation ensuring the transfer of specialized knowledge and the successful development of professionals in the internationally competitive issues.
Call release date: 1 October 2013
Application deadline (short and full project proposal): 5 November 2013 until 13:00 (CET)
Research area: all areas of natural sciences, biomedicine and health, technical sciences, biotechnical sciences, humanities and social sciences
Principal Investigator: a scientist who obtained his doctorate degree at least 2 and no more than 7 years prior to the deadline of the Installation Research Projects Call
Total programme budget: 15.000.000 HRK
Maximum funding amount per project: up to 1.000.000 HRK for projects from all scientific areas, except for social sciences and humanities for which the maximum amount of funding is 600.000 HRK
Project duration: 3 years
Estimated starting date: spring 2014

The aim of the Call is to create new knowledge and enhance the existing one (by supporting research, development and technological activities) or knowledge implementation and usage. Basic research that enhances the knowledge of a specific area and is focused on a better understanding of research subject, as well as applied research focused on new knowledge accomplishments and practical goal achievement are funded by this Call for proposals.
Call release date: 1 October 2013
Application deadline (short and full project proposal): 5 November 2013 until 13:00 (CET)
Research area: all areas of natural sciences, biomedicine and health, technical sciences, biotechnical sciences, humanities and social sciences
Principal Investigator: a distinguished researcher with internationally recognized achievements in science and/or technology within the field of the proposed project
Total programme budget: 35.000.000 HRK
Maximum funding amount per project: up to 1.000.000 HRK for 4-year projects from all scientific areas, except for social sciences and humanities for which the maximum amount of funding is 600.000 HRK for 4-year projects
Project duration: from 2 to 4 years
Estimated starting date: spring 2014